Next Education Workforce

A perspective on strategic school staffing from national union leadership

Episode Summary

Rob Weil of the American Federation of Teachers joins Brent Maddin of the Next Education Workforce™ to discuss how collective bargaining can be used to promote strategic school staffing.

Episode Notes

The Next Education Workforce™ podcast is back! For this three-part miniseries, we have invited experts from across the education landscape to discuss elements of strategic school staffing in advance of the Strategic School Staffing Summit from Feb. 7–8, 2024.

In this episode, we discuss collective bargaining and how can we use it to promote strategic school staffing? Rob Weil of the American Federation of Teachers joins Brent Maddin of the Next Education Workforce™ to discuss this and other issues educators face in the one teacher, one classroom model.

Rob Weil will be one of nearly 100 presenters discussing ideas, strategies, practices and conditions that enable a more diverse, team-based education workforce at the Strategic School Staffing Summit. Register today for this virtual experience to hear more from Rob and other leaders in the field, researchers, educators, school and system leaders, and so much more.

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